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Main arrow Dancersarrow Кузнецова Оксана Артековна & АЙС ГУАРД ВАНКУВЕР

Dancer AJS GUARD VANKUVER & Kuznietsova Oksana Artiekovna

Breed: Border kolli
Sex: Bitch
Owner name: Kuznietsova Oksana Artiekovna
Клуб: Ученый пес
Тренер: Кащеева Ирина
Country: Rossija
Название Значение Дата Судья
ОКД 1 степень 2022-06-18 Зубычева Т
Views: 60


Trenirovochnye sorevnovanija po Tancam s sobakami - 20.10.2024
Class - Vne zacheta
Composition title - Elemental (2 min. 15 sec.)
Judges - : Ilina Polina Sergeevna
Event result - 0
Event place -
Trenirovochnye sorevnovanija po Tancam s sobakami - 06.10.2024
Class - Vne zacheta
Composition title - Cast of the lion king (2 min. 30 sec.)
Judges - : Ilina Polina Sergeevna
Event result - 0
Event place -
Trenirovochnye sorevnovanija po tancam s sobakami v Maxima Park - 22.09.2024
Class - Trenirovochnyj klass
Composition title - It's Only a Paper Moon (3 min. 26 sec.)
Judges -
Event result - 0
Event place -
Lager po tancam s sobakami 2024, 3-ja smena - 04.08.2024
Class - Debjut
Composition title - It's Only a Paper Moon (3 min. 26 sec.)
Judges -
Event result - 0
Event place -
Lager po tancam s sobakami 2024, 2-ja smena - 30.06.2024
Class - Debjut
Composition title - It's Only a Paper Moon (3 min. 26 sec.)
Judges -
Event result - 0
Event place -
Trenirovochnye sorevnovanija po Tancam s sobakami v Maxima Park - 25.11.2023
Class - Vne zacheta
Composition title - It's Only a Paper Moon (3 min. 26 sec.)
Judges -
Event result - 0
Event place -
Trenirovochnye sorevnovanija po Tancam s sobakami - 22.10.2023
Class - Vne zacheta
Composition title - It's Only a Paper Moon (3 min. 26 sec.)
Judges -
Event result - 0
Event place -
Trenirovochnye sorevnovanija po Tancam s sobakami - 22.10.2023
Class - Vne zacheta
Composition title - It's Only a Paper Moon (3 min. 26 sec.)
Judges -
Event result - 0
Event place -
Trenirovochnye sorevnovanija po Tancam s sobakami - 03.09.2023
Class - Vne zacheta
Composition title - Cast of the lion king (2 min. 54 sec.)
Judges -
Event result - 0
Event place -
Trenirovka v rezhime sorevnovanij - 18.06.2023
Class - Trenirovochnyj klass
Composition title - Trenirovka (2 min. 12 sec.)
Judges -
Event result - 0
Event place -