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Dancer Zlata & Romanenko Evgeniya Yurievna

Pedigree name: Zlata (ZLATA)
Breed: Zolotistyj (golden) retriver
Sex: Bitch
Owner name: Romanenko Evgeniya Yurievna
Клуб: Ученый пес
Тренер: Зырянова Гелена
Country: Rossija
City: Anapa
Название Значение Дата Судья
Открытый фристайл 2023-06-01
Views: 45
With Zlata, we started obedience at the age of 4 months. Gradually, I noticed her love of moving to music. For a very long time we were looking for an online school and a trainer, because where we live there is simply no such direction for working with dogs. Thanks to the "Scientific Dog" school and our coach Gelena Zyryanova for giving us the opportunity to make our dreams come true!


TANCUJ, DRUG, TANCUJ! Otkrytye onlajn-sorevnovanija po tancam s sobakami - 01.06.2023
Class - Debjut - Fristajl
Composition title - Kazhdyj den s toboj (2 min. 46 sec.)
Judges - : Chogovadze Galina Viktorovna, : Nemova Julija, : Volkov Ilja Vjacheslavovich
Event result - 21.9
Event place - 6
ONLAJN sorevnovanija MAZURKA, DOG? - 30.11.2022
Class - Novichki
Composition title - Kazhdyj den s toboj (2 min. 1 sec.)
Judges - : Butrimova Tamila, : Pijak Ekaterina Nikolaevna, : Kuzina Olga
Event result - 20.47
Event place - 1
